Now is a fine time to reline your chimney
Many people think that when the cold weather hits that they should probably wait until next year to tackle the chimney relining project they have been planning. The truth is it’s easier to do any outside project when the weather is nice. However, now is a great time to purchase a stainless steel chimney liner. We are running specials every day that can save you a decent amount of greenbacks. Give us a call today at 1-866-941-5112 for help with your chimney relining project. Click here to answer a few questions online about your chimney relining project and we will recommend a product that best suites your needs.
Professional Grade Class A Chimney Pipe
Installing a Class A chimney system is definitely a project a competent DIYer can handle. If you are familiar with building techniques and know your way around your home, you can feel confident installing a chimney system. We can help you select the proper components. Give us a call today for assistance with your Class A Chimney project, 1-866-941-5112.
Sometimes installing a Stainless Steel Chimney liner for your fireplace insert can be difficult. Sometimes the flue outlet is too far forward and you cannot directly connect the chimney liner to the stove. You may feel like it is impossible to do, but there is an adapter that can make your life easier. Check out these 2 adapters that could be a life saver.
The first one is a boot adapter, it gives you and angled positive connection when the liner is coming down at and angle and doesn’t make a flush fit into the stove.
The second is a offset box adapter when you cannot pull the liner far enough forward to insert into the stove. Knowing that these products exists could save your day.
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Do you have questions and need help sometimes while you are browsing our site? Do you not feel like picking up the phone and talking to someone and asking for help? Remember there are no dumb questions. Ask for help before you buy the wrong item.
Click the live chat button, we almost always have live Tech help online waiting for you. If they are away from the computer, leave us a message and we will get back to you asap. Always ask before purchasing.
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Our Flexible Chimney Liners
The Flex King Pro has a smooth inner wall making it a great liner for wood or coal. It increases draft and reduces creosote buildup with the use of wood burning appliances. The Flex King Pro can used for all fuels. It is a great option to use with gas and oil appliances because it can handle 25% more BTU’s than the standard Flex King Liner.
The Flex King HD is best to use if you have a wood stove or furnace that you plan on burning all winter. If you rely on the wood stove to heat your home, this is the liner you need! It is the strongest, most durable flexible liner we make. As you can see it is also smooth reducing creosote build up.
All of our Chimney Liners are UL listed to UL1777.
Why insulate your stainless steel chimney liner?
Basically you need insulation for safety and performance. The safety issue is a no brainer. Keep the extremely high temperatures that can reach 2100 degrees away from your home and prevent a house fire.
The second reason, performance, is a more difficult one to understand for some. Here is a picture of a cap from a customer who did not use insulation around the stainless steel chimney liner. The smoke cools down too much and creates creosote. The screen was almost completely blocked on this rain cap.
Winter is still here
If you have been thinking about putting off the installation of a new stainless steel chimney liner, you should think twice. Chimney Liner Depot has great pricing on standard chimney liner kits. We can also build you a custom package to fit your unique chimney liner needs.
We carry several types of flexible chimney liners to fit any unique situation. We also offer rigid chimney liner for any chimney that is straight. Flexible chimney liners are perfect for when your chimney has bends in it, if it’s straight your best bet is to install a rigid chimney liner.
If you live in the North East you have no doubt been experiencing a tough winter. It’s been cold and that means increased stress on your venting system. Call us today to discuss your chimney lining project.
7″ Flex Liner Elbow Sale!!!!
We have a surplus of 7″ flex liner elbows, both 45 degree and 90 degree elbows. Call now and ask for a 25% discount on these elbows. All other elbows are normal price.
Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook for special offers also.
Skip the Middle Man
Why would you go to a car dealership to buy a car if you could go right to the factory and get the same car at a huge discount?
That is the question we ask ourselves all the time. Why would anyone not buy a chimney liner from us?? We are the manufacturer, we make all our stainless steel products, never purchased overseas and resold to you. Skip the middle man and save big time.
Buy from us and SAVE!!!
#1 in Customer Service!!!
“I recently purchased a liner system for my chimney from y’all. I wanted to take the time and say THANK YOU! for the excellent service, fast delivery, and for Henry’s extreme patience and help with all my incessant questions. I have recommended your company to quite a few of my associates and I’m sure they will be happy too!”
Regards, Jeff
We love hearing from our Customers!!
Please tell us about your great experience with Chimney Liner Depot on our Facebook page. You will also receive special promotions and coupon codes only advertised on Facebook.
Here is our latest customer feedback:
“Last Thursday, 9/12/13, I ordered a chimney liner kit from you. I ordered a 6’X20′ Flex King liner kit with cap, tee, liner and top plate. On Friday 9/13 I received a tracking email and by the time I got home from work it was there!
I recently hurt my shoulder in an accident and am one arm down. I enlisted the help of my father to do the install. After getting the parts laid out and prepping the work area, my dad and my disabled self had the whole liner installed and ready to go within 2 hours!
I really appreciate your professional service and complete kits. I researched these liners for 2 years before I made this purchase and just wanted to say thanks and you are appreciated.”
-Mike Snow
Winter is coming!!!
Like it or not, snow and ice will soon be here. This means cold temperatures and firing up the stove and furnace. This year let us help you make sure your chimney is safe. The purpose of a chimney liner is to contain all of the harmful exhaust that is released from your appliance. These harmful gasses can leak into your home if your chimney does not have a liner.
With a stainless steel chimney liner all of the smoke and carbon monoxide is contained within the one piece flexible liner. This means your chimney and more importantly your family will be safe this coming winter and forever.
Don’t wait any longer to purchase your chimney liner. Call us today at 1-866-941-5112 to get the best pricing available.
Special offers on Facebook!!
Do you want special offers and the latest news on our product line? Like us on Facebook and you will be notified of promotions only advertised via Facebook.
Chimney liners are not cheap. We all want to save some money. We can help you with purchasing the highest quality chimney liner at the best price. We are the manufacture of all our stainless steel chimney liners and components. You can save even more by following us on Facebook.
Why buy a Chimney Liner now?
Why should you buy a chimney liner now? Some people think they will now wait until spring to install a chimney liner. There are multiple reasons to install a chimney liner now and not wait.
First, it can be very dangerous to wait. The chimney may appear to be in good condition on the outside but the inside could be a different story. Chimneys deteriorate from the inside out. So even though the outside looks good the inside, the flues, could be cracked and allowing poisonous gasses into your home.
Second, prices are going up. As you can see, we are the cheapest online because we are the manufacture of the chimney liner. But our prices will increase soon. So buy now to save money and keep your family safe.
Installing a Wood stove
Are you planning on installing a wood stove this winter? Is the high price of heating oil making you think about using alternative fuels? If so you have come to the right place for help installing a wood stove safely.
One of the most important parts of installing a wood stove is making sure your chimney is safe. To make your chimney the safest it can be, you need to install a stainless steel chimney liner with insulation. The best chimney liner available is our rigid chimney liner. If your chimney has bends or turns, we recommend installing the Flex King Pro HD.
The Flex King Pro HD is specifically designed to handle the exhaust of a wood burning appliance. Installing a wood stove can save you hundreds of dollars on your heating bill. Let us help you save hundreds of dollars on making your family and chimney safe this winter.
Chimney Repair Season is Here
Even though it is summer time, the chimney season is right around the corner. Now is the time to get good deals on flexible chimney liners and other chimney repair products. Chimney Liner Depot offers high quality american made chimney relining products. We are experts at what we do, so give us a call and let us help you with your chimney relining project.
Click here for the best pricing on quality chimney liners.
Gas Boiler Chimney Flue Liner
If you are installing a gas boiler you most likely will need a chimney liner. If you don’t need one now, you will need one soon. A gas boiler vents a lot of condensation and acid residue into a clay flue liner. This type of venting is very damaging to a masonry chimney. The best way to protect your masonry chimney is to install a stainless steel chimney liner.
A stainless steel chimney liner is guaranteed to last forever. Save yourself lots of money and labor by installing a stainless steel liner at the time of the gas boiler installation.
Give us a call at 1-866-941-5112 and we will help you determine the proper size chimney liner for your chimney.
Chimney Liner Types
When relining a chimney there are several types of chimney lining systems available. Chimney Liner Depot carries flexible and rigid chimney liners.
A rigid chimney liner is hands down the best chimney liner available. It’s glass smooth interior promotes excellent chimney draft and makes it harder for creosote to stick to than traditional liners. The only problem with rigid chimney liners is that it is not always a chimney lining system that will fit in a chimney. In order for a rigid chimney liner to fit in a chimney, the flue must be perfectly straight.
If your chimney flue is not straight a flexible chimney liner is what you will need to install. Chimney Liner Depot carries several lines of flexible chimney liner. Give us a call today to discuss your chimney relining requirements and we will help you figure out the best solution.
Is it too hot in June to install a chimney liner?
Remember that summer is always over before we know it. If you need a chimney liner for a fireplace insert, for a gas boiler, or oil furnace… now is the time to get moving on the project. If you want to do the job yourself, you need to call Chimney Liner Depot and let our trained staff help you with the chimney relining project.
We have the highest quality chimney liners on the market at very competitive pricing. All our stainless steel chimney liners carry a lifetime warranty.
Call us today, 1-866-941-5112
What makes Chimney Liner Depot different?
Chimney Liner Depot: Who are we?
Chimney Liner Depot is different from other online chimney liner dealers because we are not just a dealer. Almost every online store you see selling chimney liners is just that, an online store and nothing more. They buy their product from one place and resell and have it shipped to your home at a higher price. Chimney Liner Depot is the manufacturer. We do not just have a website but we also have a factory.
Chimney Liner Depot: What do we make?
Chimney Liner Depot offers a full line of stainless steel chimney liners. We make in house, flexible chimney liner, rigid chimney liner, single flue chimney caps, multi-flue chimney caps, chase covers, stove pipe and much more. We are constantly expanding our product line. So keep up with us on our press releases to see what Chimney liner Depot has in store for the future.
Chimney Liner Depot: Why are we in the Business?
Chimney Liner Depot is in the chimney field because we care about people. We saw that there are so many homes that need chimney repairs. We know that a great deal of people are going to do their own chimney repairs. There are a lot of chimney sweeps/chimney repair companies out there who do a great job. The fact remains that there will always be do-it-yourselfers. If they are going to tackle chimney repairs we want them do it right. We decided to design a website and train our staff to help the average homeowner install a chimney liner correctly. Chimney Liner Depot is here to help you make sure our family is safe and the job is done right.
Chimney Liner Top Plate options
Chimney Liner Top Plate Options
When you buy a chimney liner kit, it includes a top plate. These top plates can vary in style and size. It is very important to purchase the size you need. Sometimes you can “make it work” and others times you cannot. So it is best to do your research before purchasing.
Flat Top Plate
Flat top plates are just that, flat. It is designed to sit flat on top of the chimney. These are to be used when you have no terra-cotta flue extending above the crown or when you plan on removing the existing flue. This style of top plates is not designed to sit on top of the flue. The standard size is 13″ x 13″. These are the outside measurements of the top plates. Our flat top plates are also available in 13″ x 18″ and 18″ x 18″. But any size is available upon request.

Terra-Cotta Top Plate
When you have a terra-cotta flue that extends out of the chimney, a terra-cotta top plate is suggested. The top plate will wrap around the sides of the terra-cotta and secure to the outsides of the flue using 4 bolts that are adjusted tight to the flue. Using this top plate is recommended when the terra-cotta is extending above the chimney because many times if you try to break the flue, it may crack the crown.
Deluxe Top Plates
Deluxe top plates come in either flat or terra-cotta style. The only difference is that is has a square chimney cap built in. The cap is hinged on one side that makes it a breeze for cleaning. The deluxe top plates are the best looking top plates on the market.
Check us out on Facebook for top plate specials.
Rigid Chimney Liner Vs Flex Chimney Liner
Rigid Vs. Flex
As you have researched for your purchase of a chimney liner, you have encountered a rigid chimney liner and a flex chimney liner. What chimney liner do you need? Obviously you do not want to spend extra money if it does not bring much of a benefit. We will answer 4 questions. When would you use a Rigid chimney liner? What benefits does it have? When would you use a Flex liner? What benefits does it have?

When would you use a Rigid Chimney Liner?
You would use a rigid chimney liner when you want the BEST. You would also want use rigid when you are using it for a solid burning appliance (wood, coal, pellet) that is your main source of heat. One requirement is that your chimney be straight, free from bends.
What benefits does a Rigid Chimney Liner have?
A rigid chimney liner is strong. You have the peace of mind that you have the best chimney liner on the market inside your chimney protecting you and your family from harmful fumes and a chimney fire that can be contained inside the liner. Also, when you have a wood stove you want the best draft possible with as little creosote build up.
The rigid is a perfectly smooth inner wall. Click HERE to learn how a smooth inner wall benefits you. Rigid chimney liners can take a very aggressive cleaning, which means when you are done cleaning there should be absolutely nothing left in terms of creosote.
When would you use a Flex Chimney Liner?
You would use a flex chimney liner when your chimney has bends in it. The flex is your only option in this case. But there are a few styles of flex liners available. This page will describe the difference between two of them. If you have a gas furnace, this will not create creosote, so a flex liner may be sufficient in your case.
What benefits does a Flex Chimney Liner have?
A Flex chimney liner is light weight and easier to install than rigid. The price is cheaper up front. It will bend around fireplaces and easily connect to a fireplace insert.
How To install Flex Chimney Liner
Rigid chimney liner is the best. But if for some reason it will not work in your case, seriously consider what style of flex liner you will need. All our chimney liners and components are made from stainless steel. If you can, use rigid chimney liner, it is the way to go.
Follow us on Facebook to see the latest offers and sales on rigid chimney liner kits.
Flex King Vs. Flex King Pro
Flex King Vs. Flex King Pro
Many people see our Flex King and Flex King Pro chimney liners and wonder what chimney liner is best for their application. There is no one answer that fits all. Lets talk about when you would use a Flex King or a Flex King Pro first for a wood stove, then an oil furnace and finally a gas furnace. You can clearly see the differences between the Flex King (on the left) and the smooth inner wall Flex King Pro (on the right).
Flex King Pro for Wood stoves
Generally we will say Flex King Pro is the best liner for wood stoves. This is because it has a smooth inner wall. That smooth wall creates for better draft and less creosote build up. So if you plan on using your wood stove for more than just the occasional fire, the Flex King Liner is what you want. If you are not going to burn your stove regularly, possibly just here and there on weekends, the Flex King will work just fine for you. One thing you need to use, no matter what liner you install for your wood stove, is insulation. Click here to learn why it is required.
So the verdict is if you burn more than here and there, install the Flex King Pro for your wood stove.
Flex King or Flex King Pro for Oil
Oil furnaces can go either way. Sometimes it is recommended to use a Flex King Pro and other times a Flex King. This is mainly determined on how well the furnace burns. Sometimes an oil burner can be sensitive to draft, especially when the chimney is shorter than normal. Sometimes the oil burner does not burn very clean and creates a thick soot in the chimney. This can lead to a blocked chimney. We highly suggest hiring a furnace specialist to clean and adjust the furnace immediately. So if you have no issues with draft, your chimney is plenty tall enough and the furnace burns clean you can use the Flex King chimney liner.
Flex King for Gas Furnaces
The modern gas furnaces burn fairly clean. When there is perfect combustion water is one of the by-products. This is not just any water, it has acids within it. This is no good for masonry chimneys. The masonry will soak in the water and the acids will quickly eat away at the terra cotta flues and the bricks or blocks. To prevent this damage you need to install a Flex King chimney Liner. Some high efficient furnaces have cooler exhaust temperatures so the water condenses quickly inside the chimney. In rare cases the water condenses at such high rates inside a cold chimney, water can be seen leaking out of the bottom of the chimney. If you have this problem, you will need to insulate the chimney liner to keep that water inside the chimney as a steam. This will prevent it from condensing and causing more problems.
If you have further questions, please contact us. We will help you decide what Flex King Liner will be best for you.
phone: 1-866-941-5112 email: [email protected]
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How do you clean a Fireplace?
Why do you clean a Fireplace?
Many people love coming home to see a cozy fire in the fireplace. This is always a favorite for special family occasion. Some people only burn wood in the fireplace occasionally while others have a warm fire every evening during the winter months. A fireplace can also be extremely dangerous. According to, “Heating fires account for 36% of residential home fires in rural areas every year. Often these fires are due to creosote buildup in chimneys and stovepipes.” The main reason for these fires is carelessness and a lack of cleaning. We will discuss how to clean a fireplace.
How do you clean a Fireplace?
Cleaning and inspecting a fireplace annually can prevent multiple issues. Many homeowners clean their own fireplace chimneys. This is fine as long as you know how to thoroughly and properly clean a fireplace chimney. As seen in the diagram below, there are multiple components to a fireplace and its chimney.
Once you seal up the opening of the fireplace to prevent dust from escaping, you can proceed to the roof. The first thing you need to know is the size of your chimney flue. The most common sizes for fireplace flues are 8″x13″ and 13″x13″. You will need a wire brush that fits snugly inside the flue. Now you can start by inserting the chimney brush from the top and working your way down. Sometimes if the flue has extra creosote build up, you may need to pass the brush through the flue multiple times.
The most important thing to know when you clean a fireplace.
Look at the above diagram closely. When you clean a fireplace flue, all the highly flammable creosote is not swept down the fireplace floor. It is resting on top of the smoke shelf. This is the most important spot to clean when you clean a fireplace chimney. Now you have a pile of flammable creosote just a few inches above the flame. You will need to reach up into the fireplace with a vacuum hose or other appropriate tool to remove all the creosote. Once you remove all of the creosote that is on the smoke shelf, you now need to sweep out the rest of the firebox and discard of all the ashes. These are the most basic steps in how to clean a fireplace and the chimney.