Geothermal heating technologies provide heat and hot water to properties using a very specialized process. Geothermal heating technologies, keeping things simple harvest energy that exists beneath the earths surface.  In this article you will discover more on how heat and hot water is produced by harvesting this very natural and renewable energy resource.

Beneath the earths surface exists a an abundance of naturally occurring energy that is the fuel for geothermal heating systems. This energy is not like other fossil fuels, it is natural heat energy stored within the ground itself. As strange as it may sound, the earth retains heat that it receives from both the sun above, and the earths core beneath. All year round the earth manages to maintain its heat level at quite a constant temperature. In effect, the earth is harbouring a constant energy supply.This energy supply continues day after day to renew itself. As long as the sun continues to shine down on the earths surface, and the earths core continues to generate out heat, this energy will naturally occur.

Geothermal heating technologies have been designed to harvest this naturally occurring energy source. In order absorb this energy a trench is dug, approximately 6 feet deep, and in this is laid a series of pipes. These pipes contain a kind of refrigerant solution that can easily absorb energy regardless how weak it is. As this solution passes through the nextwork of pipes it collects heat energy from the ground. The heated solution then makes its way towards the next stage of the geothermal heating process which is the heat pump.

The heat pump system keeps the refrigerant solution costantly circulating around the loop of pipes. The heat pump also has another main responsibility. As the solution passes through it it manages to extract the solutions heat energy. This heat taken from the solution is then enhanced until it is a suitable temperature to provide our homes with heat and hot water. The heat pump then sends the now cool solution back through the loop of pipes. The geothermal heating process then begins all over again.

The great thing about geothermal heating systems, such as the ground source heat pump, is that they can be 100% environmentally friendly. Investing in a ground source heat pump system for your home is a great way of lowering your carbon emissions. This category of geothermal heating system has other great advantages too. Ground source heat pump systems are virtually silent when working and can reduce your household fuel bills by up to 70%.

    *Note: If you have a terra cotta clay chimney
    flue lining, be sure to measure the true length and width of the
    inside of your chimney flue space.

    *If there is a terra cotta clay flue liner, does it protrude out of
    the top of the chimney at least 2 inches? If there are at least 2
    inches and the terra cotta clay is in good condition, you will use
    our stainless steel, terra cotta top plate that has a 1 1⁄2inch edge
    that goes all the way around (like a shoebox lid).

    *If your terra cotta clay flue is in bad shape at the top, you may
    need to just take a hammer and tap all around that terra cotta,
    taking it away to make the surface flat at the top of your chimney.
    In that case, you will simply use the flat top plate that comes with
    our liner kit.

    *Note: If you have a terra cotta clay chimney
    flue lining, be sure to measure the true length and width of the
    inside of your chimney flue space.

    *If it is on the back of the stove, is it parallel with the back of the stove or is it at an angle, like 45 degrees?

    *If it is at an angle you will use an insert stove adaptor (an insert liner kit) rather than a two-part tee with cleanout cap.

    Usually pellet stoves have an exhaust hole id of 3 inches. However, if you are going up more than 15 feet to the top of your chimney you need to use a pipe and/or flex liner that is 4 inches diameter.

    If you are only venting a hot water heater then the exhaust hole diameter is probably 3 inch diameter. If it is 3 inch diameter and you are going up more than 15 feet to the top of your chimney, you must use a 4 inch diameter flexible liner or ridged pipe for proper draft. We also suggest to go ahead and use a 4 inch diameter flexible liner or ridged pipe even if the total length is 15 feet or less.

    Not the depth or any other dimension inside your fireplace.

    Most gas log fireplaces require an 8 inch liner kit or rigid kit. But do not assume that is the case for the gas log fireplace kit you are installing. Obey the requirements for that specific unit that are in your installation/instruction manual.


